I was visiting a local games store and spotted this incredible Ork conversion. It is an Ork Stompa that has been built on top of the “chassis” of another Ork Stompa to create a double decker stompa! Plus you can see a big piece of artillery sitting in front of the stompa. I think it is Squat artillery.


Here is a closer view:

Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 9.39.36 PM


The store is called Grand Adventure Comics and is in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. It is a great place that has a wonderful selection of popular and eclectic games and comic books. Here are some photos of the store:

Flames of War, 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Gale Force Nine

Flames of War, 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Gale Force Nine


Warmachine, Hordes, x-wing, board games and magic the gathering singles and packs, infinity and more

Warmachine, Hordes, x-wing, board games and magic the gathering singles and packs, infinity and more




display cases of miniatures

display cases of miniatures


a game of hordes during the visit. they were also running a tcg tournament

a game of hordes during the visit. they were also running a tcg tournament

If you ever find yourself in Middle Tennessee, you should really make an effort to check this place out. They will treat you right for sure!


Visit Grand Adventures!

We have another great post on Ork Conversions here

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